German Posts

E-Mail Verschlüsselung

Seit Heartbleed und Snowden wird mehr denn je über Verschlüsselung und Sicherheit in der Online-Welt diskutiert. Auch am E-Mail-Marketing ging diese Diskussion nicht vorüber. Doch welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, wie sicher sind diese und was muss ich dabei beachten? Diesen Fragen wollen wir uns ein wenig widmen.


How to recognize Spam & Phishing?

You’ve got mail – that’s good. But who was sending you? And is the person, you receive mail from is really the person he pretends to be? And if he was, has the content been changed during transmission? There’s so many Phishing warnings out there and we are not secure anymore, right?


Security & Encryption for Mass Messaging

Since the Heartbleed and Snowden case there has been a lot of discussion regarding data encryption and security – specifically in regards to email. Many questions such as ‘what options are there to protect data?’, ‘how safe are these options’ and ‘what factors should I watch out for?’ are continuously brought up. We help to clear up these topics below.

Beginners Guide

Lesson 10, Future of Email

Lesson 10, Future of Email

The Future of email has already arrived – in part because i was meant to post this 2 years ago 🙂
Last year we heard several discussions regarding trusting senders, security and their performance. Several ISPs started implementing TLS encryption, see here to read more about this technology. As discussed in previous articles its now far from safe to send emails as plain text, extra measures are needed in order to protect the flow of data.

Beginners Guide

Lesson 9, User Engagement

This can be defined as an assessment of an individuals response for some type of offering. For the instance of email marketing, a user may open or click through an email, they would therefore be engaging with your email campaign.

Commonly this term is referred to as User Engagement rate, whereby these interactions are measured. Each ISP may measure these in different ways, each action may have a different rating; this is something important to consider.

Beginners Guide

Lesson 8, Blacklists & Whitelists

One thing we need to avoid as an email marketer or a Deliverability expert are Blacklists, these are lists which can either block or limit your marketing campaigns. Blacklists are there to help police the email marketing world, and to ensure abusers are punished or held into account based on their activities. There are several types of Blacklists, such as domain blacklists, IP blacklists.

A good resource to use to see if your listed on any of the blacklists is another resource to use is MX tool box which can help you run these queries. In addition you can use is ‘whatismyipaddress