Stellt euch vor: seit nunmehr 11 Stunden sitze ich im Flieger und trete meinem wohlverdienten Urlaub an. Wenn ich mich umschaue, sehen alle müde und abgekämpft aus. Gut, das kann auch daran liegen, dass wir uns nicht in den ersten Reihen befunden haben. Keine Alk Flat, kein Liegesitzsessel, keine Rundumsorglos Behandlung, sondern nur Plastikbecher und -besteck.
Tag: spam
How to recognize Spam & Phishing?

You’ve got mail – that’s good. But who was sending you? And is the person, you receive mail from is really the person he pretends to be? And if he was, has the content been changed during transmission? There’s so many Phishing warnings out there and we are not secure anymore, right?
Lesson 3, Security threats and Cyber attacks
Most of the time when talking about email, email marketing, deliverability or i’m explaining my work to my family, the first thing that is mentioned is the word ‘Spam’.
Why is this and how does the phrase come about?
You’d think that Spam is a fake meat per se, this would be a great term to coin for those annoying acquisition based emails you receive, well it’s not directly because of this. The actual term dates back to 1970, whereby there is a famous sketch by Monty Python’s Flying Circus. In this sketch, based in a restaurant; some customers float in, and then you have vikings singing in the corner, the waitress comes over and then it all descends into mayhem, everything on the menu is with spam, and everyone in the room is singing ‘Spam’ drowning out the the other conversations.
You can watch the scene here.