There is considerable market demand for Email Address Verification (EAV). This is reflected by the fact that numerous companies have specialized in this field. For example, Return Path, Inc., the largest email intelligence and deliverability service provider, which works closely with numerous ESPs and ISPs, has recognized this fact and has started to collaborate with a major provider of EAV in order to offer its customers a benefit in email marketing.
EAV is kind of the question “How to separate the wheat from the chaff?”
Compliance to Deliverability, is like water to fish. Look after the water and the fish will look after themselves, kind of, as long as you have a good marketing strategy to add to the water treatment.
I’m not here to talk about spam, just to be clear. I’m talking about how you obtain your database of contacts, and how you look after each individual and ultimately respect your fish. By the way I’m not comparing your recipients to fish.
Recently, there’s some talk about list bombing. What does this actually mean?
While ISPs concentrate on attacks from a single IP (or IP range) or sending domain, listbombing uses various subscription forms for sending just a few mails from each.
Problem for the targeted address is, that a lot of mails are coming in in a small amount of time without consistent pattern – goal is to make the address unavailable for a specific time.
DOI doesn’t help here as well, because the DOI confirmation mail itself can be part of the attack and be used for it.
MailChimp, a bulk mail sender for small and medium-size senders is changing its default subscribe method from October 31st from Double-Opt-In to Single-Opt-In. In my opinion, this is not only a bad idea, but also against the evolution in times of GDPR and data security.
The Carnival, the Lung of Earth, and of course football, that’s what comes to mind when we think about Brazil. However the view is slightly different from the inside, and specifically in email marketing.
In less than six month’s time, GDPR will come fully into effect. This should be nothing new to you and if you never heard of GDPR, you should run down to your Legal Department and ask for information. Speaking of Legal, the author of this blog post is no lawyer and everything written here is his own opinion.
What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) is the new eu-wide data protection law, adopted in 2016, it will come into effect on the 25th of May, 2018. If you are a European company or have customers in Europe, you need to be compliant with GDPR.
What are Spamtraps?
I do not think we need to talk about spamtraps, when you are reading this blog. There are several posts in regards to spamtraps (e.g. this or this). I also think, that we can all agree, that sending mail to spamtraps is bad. They can get your mail blocked or junked, which not just takes time and effort to resolve, but will cost revenue in the process.
Sending mail to spamtraps, especially commercial mail, is illegal in most countries, because you usually do not have consent of the operator of that spamtrap or an active customer relationship.
Spamtraps and transactional mail?
When we talk about transactional mail, we talk about the mails like order and shipping confirmation, online tickets or boarding passes and ToC changes. These mails are cool, aren’t they? And the answer is of course … yes and no. Certainly a clean confirmation mail will not cause a huge blacklisting or at least you can talk to the Provider to resolve that issue faster than normal.