1) Use the information provided via the user at sign up, such as which device they usually open emails with or via your ESP reporting
2) Use the media query (@media) to adapt styling for smart phone environments
3) Determine the width and height of the smartphones you are targetting
4) Experiment with subject line length and pre header text for mobile environments
5) Ensure to check renderability in each environment prior to sending campaigns to ensure compatability
6) Aswell as checking if the email is renderable ensure the syntax of your code is correct here
7) Check your inbox placement rates with your new creatives before sending your campaign
8) After adapting your creative check that your opens and click through rates are consistant for each ISP/platform post campaign
9) Ensure to include an Add to safe sender email address in your creative
10) Add yourself to the seed list to ensure you receive the live campaign in each of the Mobile environments
Tag: mobile
Upgraded my iphone with the IOS 7 today, couldn’t help but notice i had 87 unread emails, since when?
Well, this is because since the upgrade its taking into account all of the emails you have received in your accounts since day dot, and not just the passed few weeks.
For those that don’t know you can select all and mark them as read, here is a quick how to from pcadvisor. Just make sure you check the fact that they are old emails and you are not in fact MR/MRs popular, i’d hate for you to get me on that one.
Who knows? maybe for those clients who are sending to the spam/promotions folder, they might get a few more opens after all…
hmmm, how can we do this with clicks also. Don’t even think about it, were talking gmail.
Select all, mark as read.
Anthony Mitchell
Time to get responsive
A high Inbox placement rate is key in order to maximize your ROI.
Once you’ve ticked that box, it is now time to also get serious about being responsive.
Almost 50% of email is opened in a mobile environment, and the numbers are growing.
What’s your strategy?
I read a great article over at litmus, they have some great tips on how to optimize your email for mobile environments.
So what do you do now? you’ve got into the Inbox, you’ve optimized your html creative.
- Ensure that you test your from label, subject line and pre header text, now is time to mop up on those opens and clicks.
Please keep an eye out for my top 10 quick wins for a responsive email design, hope to post that in the week.
Feel free also to feedback or discuss the best ways you tailor your email campaigns for mobile,
Anthony M